Single Therapy Session
Sessão de Terapia Avulsa
Service Description
Sometimes, a neutral and different point of view helps to have a more thoughtful perspective on a situation. Especially if it is based on experience, observation, study, and has a practical, sensible, and realistic approach. Everything in life is a matter of point of view. When you change yours about a conflicted or frustrating situation, it also changes the way you deal with the people and circumstances involved, and it ends up making a lot of difference. Through my trained sensitivity, I can even connect with a more subtle dimension and receive inspiration on more functional ways of dealing with a situation. After all, what really matters is whether an idea works in practice or not, doesn't it? Leaving the client better than at the beginning of the session is a characteristic of my work as a therapist. And I'm not talking about consolation, but the expansion of consciousness, as I'm focused on results, with an objective, fast approach and without therapeutic blablabla. Because whoever has an issue to be resolved does not want to waste time or delay to have an improvement or, even better, a definitive solution.

Cancellation Policy / PolÃtica de Cancelamento
In case of cancellation by the client, it must be requested at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled time for the session so that it can be rescheduled free of charge, or the request for a refund be accepted and granted. Cancellations made within less than 24 hours of the initially scheduled time, or the client's non-attendance at the online session will not entitle to a refund of the amount previously paid for it. (Em caso de cancelamento por parte do cliente, o mesmo deverá ser solicitado com pelo menos 24 horas de antecedência do horário agendado para a sessão, para que a mesma seja remarcada sem custo ou o pedido de reembolso seja solicitado e atendido. Cancelamentos efetuados em menos de 24 horas do horário inicialmente agendado, ou o não comparecimento do cliente à sessão online, não darão direito ao reembolso do valor previamente pago pela mesma.)
Contact Details
+55 (11) 98778-9077